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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No More Updates for the Motorola Charm

Motorola confirmed earlier this month, the bad news, that the Charm is being left behind, at least as far as updates to Android. But this is no reason to over look this nice mobile phone.  Laugh now and cry later. The MOTOROLA CHARM with MOTOBLUR for T-Mobile is an Android phone that offers the smartphone features you want plus enhanced MOTOBLUR to keep you updated on the latest happenings in your social life - all in a sleek, slim design. With a full QWERTY keyboard and a touch screen, you get faster, more efficient access to messaging and the internet. The BACKTRACK touch panel allows one-handed navigation and scrolling without blocking the screen. MOTOBLUR allows you to stream your social networking feeds to your Charm in real-time, providing instant access to the latest happenings and messages from your friends. With all of the customization of Android, you can download thousands of apps and widgets from the Android Market. An additional battery comes with your Motorola Charm, giving you an additional 2 hours of talk time. Get it free at www.TaoWireless.com

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